News for Donor Advisors

Donor Advisors: Get your statements, check your balance, recommend grants and more with Online Access. Not signed up yet? We can help! Enroll today at or by calling 605.336.7055.

A teacher helps a student.

Helping Our Teachers

During a school year unlike any other, we’re doing all we can to help local teachers who already do so much to teach, nurture and care for our kids.

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A student works on an assignment.

Helping Our Students

After the pandemic made it more difficult for some Title 1 schools to provide healthy snacks for their students, the Community Foundation created a fund to help.

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Local kids practice the art of gardening earlier this summer through  EmBe’s daycare program.

Resiliency, Adaptability Are Key for Local Nonprofits

The words scared, anxious, unsure and exhausted reflect a common theme in the nonprofit community right now. Working together, we can ensure they have the financial resources to provide for our neighbors now and after the pandemic.

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Giving Opportunities: Summer 2020

The Coronavirus has had a crushing impact on childcare and today, childcare providers are at a greater risk of closing than ever before. Learn about how you can support our local nonprofit childcare providers during this challenging time.

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