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The Generous Trailblazer

Her love for Sioux Falls began in the late 1940s. Today, the enduring legacy of Opal Rogness lives on in countless ways.

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The Crayon Factory

Thanks to a grant from the Community Foundation, area kids participated in a colorful, creative project to help others.

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Learning to Give Back

Thanks to support from the Sioux Falls Area Community Foundation, more teens are finding opportunities to volunteer and give back through SALSA

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Giving As They Grow

Easy strategies to instill kindness and a love of philanthropy in your children.

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New Project Seeks to Understand Needs, Eliminate Barriers to Wellness for Women Veterans

Thanks to a grant from the Sioux Falls Area Community Foundation, Community Action for Veterans is launching a new effort to explore the needs of women veterans and evaluate barriers to their wellness. Data collected will help develop a collaborative-based program to reduce gaps in services for military-connected women living in the Sioux Falls area.

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