News for Professional Advisors

Case Study: Benefits of Donating Appreciated Stock

His clients’ portfolio allocations were out of balance due to significant gains created by out-performing stocks. See how we worked with one advisor to help his clients donate appreciated stock, a strategy that helped them achieve their charitable goals, avoid taxes on capital gains, and make a difference for our community.

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A Winning Combination: The Supporting Organization

Choosing the right philanthropic vehicle is key to helping your clients find the joy in giving while reaching their philanthropic goals. A Supporting Organization meets the unique needs of donors by offering a high degree of autonomy combined with back office support from the Community Foundation.

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Case Study: Giving in Retirement

Across Sioux Falls, business owners are generous, philanthropic leaders. But philanthropy is a journey that can change during the different seasons of life. We’re helping local business owners navigate new chapters of philanthropy in retirement.

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Case Study: Private Foundation Services

When leaders of a local private foundation wanted to add more strategy to their grantmaking, they called us for help. Today, this foundation is impacting positive change across our community.

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